User's Manual

ST900 User Manual
ⓒSuntech Int. Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproducing or distributing this documents, or using or conveying its contents to third
parties without the express written consent of this issuing company is prohibited.
call(Preset phone number)
The phone buttons on ST900 can be preset numbers. If user press long key such as CALL1,CALL2 or CALL3
then ST900 will make a call to preset phone number.
Command format : <nick name>;CALL;<Phone 1>;<Phone 2>;<Phone 3>
Command : ST900;CALL;21140101;21140102;21140103
Response : OK; CALL;21140101;21140102;21140103
Notice : Even though you don’t have three preset phone number, you have to fill all of three fields.
Otherwise ST900 will be report parameter error.
speed(speed violation)
When ST900 moves at a greater velocity than the preset speed then it will report to owner.
Command format : <nick name>;SPEED;<speed limit>
Event Format : <nick name>;<status>;YYYYMMDD;HH:MM:SS;<Latitude>;<Longitude>;<speed>;<course>
;<gps fix>
Command : ST900;SPEED;100
Response : OK; SPEED;100
ST900;SPEED VIOLATE;20100826;11:25:26;+37.262839;+127.359847;160.000;000.00;1
ST900;SPEED OBEY;20100826;11:25:26;+37.262839;+127.359847;30.000;000.00;1
network(network Information)
In order to use TCP communication, you have to configure the network information to ST900.
Refer to “Worldwide mobile network Access Point Name(APN) Settings.
Command format :<nick name>;NETWORK;<Bearer>;<APN>;<User ID>;<Password>
Command :ST900;NETWORK;1;telcel;telcel;telcel
Response :OK; NETWORK :1;telcel;telcel;telcel