User's Manual

ST900 User Manual
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imei(Get IMEI)
ST900 send a message of IMEI information to you.
Command format : <nick name>;IMEI
Command : ST900;IMEI
Response : OK,IMEI,111111111111110
ver(Get version)
ST900 send a message of ST900 software version information to you
Command format : <nick name>;VER
Command ST900;VER
Response : OK;Ver.;ST900-00.00-090929-A
bat?(battery left)
ST900 send a message about battery level to you.
Command format : <nick name>,BAT?
Command: ST900;BAT?
Response : OK,BAT,91.8%
stype(Send Type)
ST900 can support the SMS and TCP communication.
There are four types in protocol as follows.
Protocol type <mode> Description
SMS Only 0 Report a message through SMS only.
SMS Preferred 1 Report a message through SMS first and if failed then retry it by TCP.
TCP Only 2 Report a message through TCP only.
TCP Preferred 3 Report a message through TCP first and if failed then retry it by SMS.
Command format : <nick name>;STYPE;<mode>
Response : OK,stype,3