User's Manual

ST900 User Manual
ⓒSuntech Int. Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproducing or distributing this documents, or using or conveying its contents to third
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7. LED & Button description
Item Description
SOS Emergency button.
OK Acknowledge button.
CALL1 Preset Phone Number
CALL2 Preset Phone Number
CALL3 Preset Phone Number
Power Power On/Off
LED1 GSM network status
LED2 GPS signal status
LED3 Battery status
8. Key Functions & LED indicator
Functions Description
If you press the SOS button for more than 1sec,ST900 will send an emergency
SMS message with vibration to you after then, call up to your phone for voice
monitoring mode. If failed, the vibrator is generated for 2 times and trying to next
preset phone number. If it failed again in connection, call transfer to the next preset
phone number again. The SMS will send only one per each preset phone number.
If it failed all of these, it’s trying to first preset phone number again. It will be
looping until success.
If you want to cancel before successfully voice call, press OK button for more
2sec. then it will be stopped with vibration.
You can make a call to the preset phone number with CALL button.
Press the button for 1sec.or more, then the first phone number is ready to be
connected (it will be vibrated 1 time shortly). In this condition, It will be made. If you
want to call to the other phone number, then please press CALL2 or CALL 3 button
again and it will be vibrated 1 time shortly and then make it will trying outgoing call
also. If there’s any failed then it will be vibrated 2 times.
If you press the OK key for more than 2sec during the call, the call condition is
cancelled with 2 times vibration.
For voice communication, you need ear piece. If ear piece is not available, then