Install Instructions

IOM-WR-WW 1616 12 of 36
STEP 3.6:
Make sure the cable fits
Check the cable size to ensure it will fit inside the Heated Area at the selected wire spacing
(see Table 2)
STEP 3.7:
Decide the cable layout
Decide which direction the cables will run on the floor for the easiest coverage. Refer to the
sample layouts in this manual for assistance. Depending on the shape of the area, it may
help to think of it in terms of several smaller areas.
If more than one heating cable is to be installed in the area, all Power Leads must come back
to the control or to a junction box and then to the control. Ensure there is sufficient space
to allow this when planning the wire layout.
STEP 3.8:
Position the Power Leads & Factory Splice
Carefully cut the tie binding the power lead coil. Do not nick the braid covering the power
lead. Locate the Factory Splice to ensure the power lead will reach the SunStat electrical
box or junction box location. It is acceptable to run the power leads several feet in the floor
area embedded in mortar if needed.
Draw an outline around the Factory Splice and move it aside. Cut a shallow channel in the
HeatMatrix to allow the Factory Splice to lay flat with the rest of the heating cable in the channel.
Pull the Power Leads up into the wall or conduit.
Add hot glue in the channel and set the Factory Splice and Power Lead in place.
The heating cable CANNOT be cut to fit. It must be kept its original length and fully
embedded in the mortar in the floor. Any modification or mis‐use of the heating cable will
void the warranty and cause potential shock or fire hazard.
NEVER run Power Leads across heating cables, under baseboard areas, or other potentially
damaging areas.
NEVER place heating cables closer than 2" from other heating cables.
NEVER place heating cables closer than 1" from Power Leads.
Completely embed the Factory Splice and heating cable in the floor mortar. Never bend
the factory splice. Never allow any part of the Factory Splice or heating cable to enter a
wall or cabinet or drop through the subfloor. Damage to the product will result.
STEP 3.9:
Install Cable
Press the heating cable into the HeatMatrix channels at the determined spacing. A hand
roller or grout float may be used to aid in installation.