Instructions / Assembly

Greenhouse Applications
Suntuf polycarbonate panels make excellent cladding for do-it-yourself greenhouse projects, such as season-extenders, cold frames
and more. While installation for such projects generally follows the same procedures as those previously outlined, please be aware that
condensation formation and dripping is common for enclosed, humid environments like greenhouses. If condensation formation or
dripping is not objectionable, standard Suntuf may be used. However, if condensation formation and dripping is a concern, consider
the use of “Suntuf Plus” instead.
Suntuf Plus features a proven anti-condensate coating that helps to minimize fogging and promotes the flow of condensation on the
inside of the panel. As a result, droplets are minimized and panel clarity is increased, allowing for greater overall light transmission. It is
important to account for condensation flow in the design of the structure. Without the proper slope and some form of condensation
collection and removal system, dripping will occur at purlins or other supporting members. Many commercial and professionally
manufactured hobby greenhouse structures are designed to manage condensate control and removal. For information about such
structures and Suntuf Plus, consult your preferred greenhouse manufacturer or dealer.
For large scale commercial greenhouse projects, Palram Americas Horticulture division should be consulted for additional design
considerations, specialized products for commercial greenhouse such as DynaGlas & ThermaGlas, installation instructions, and the
availability of specialized greenhouse-specific accessories.
Curved Applications
When covering curved structures, it is possible to set the sheets on an arched framework so that
they arch with in the range of elasticity of the sheets without inducing stress. The minimum radius
of the arch created is 20 feet.
Miscellaneous Applications
While this document provides guidance for the most common applications for Suntuf, there are many other possible uses not
accounted for here. If you have any questions regarding the use or installation in a particular application, contact Palram Americas
Technical Support.
Technical Support
Palram Technical Support is available weekdays 9am to 5pm EST by calling 800-999-9459.
Questions may also be e-mailed to
Minumum radius = 20'