User Manual

Chapter 4: AMI BIOS
P-STATE Coordination
This feature selects the type of coordination for the P-State of the processor. P-State
is a processor operational state that reduces the processor's voltage and frequency.
This makes the processor more energy efcient, resulting in further energy gains.
The options are HW_ALL, SW_ALL and SW-ANY.
Package C-State limit
This feature allows the user to set the limit on the C-State package reg-
ister. The options are C0/C1 State, C2 State, C6 (Non Retention) State,
and C6 (Rentention) State.
CPU C3 Report
Select Enabled to allow the BIOS to report the CPU C3 State (ACPI C2) to
the operating system. During the CPU C3 State, the CPU clock generator
is turned off. The options are Enabled and Disabled.
CPU C6 Report
Select Enabled to allow the BIOS to report the CPU C6 State (ACPI C3)
to the operating system. During the CPU C6 State, the power to all cache
is turned off. The options are Enabled and Disabled.
Enhanced Halt State (C1E)
Select Enabled to use Enhanced Halt-State technology, which will sig-
nicantly reduce the CPU's power consumption by reducing the CPU's
clock cycle and voltage during a Halt-state. The options are Disable and