User's Manual

BioAdmin User Manual 163
Copyright © 2006, 2007 by Suprema Inc.
during which those messages are shown on the BioStation. Default is set
as 2 seconds.
4.5.7. Notice
If there’s company notice, administrator can show the notice on LCD of BioStation.
Notice can be input up to maximum 1024 byte and a number of letters varies
depending on language.
After transferring notice to device by pressing apply button, you can check and
view notice on LCD of BioStation only if you selected notice as background in
display/sound menu and apply.
4.5.8. Wiegand Setting
The Wiegand Setting tab is used to manage the Wiegand input/output format of
BioStation. By selecting the menu, the Wiegand setting page is updated on the
main window.