User's Manual

BioAdmin User Manual 189
Copyright © 2006, 2007 by Suprema Inc.
z Editing layout
Template size : Template size is configurable from 254 to 382. By factory
default, template size is specified as 350 bytes storing two templates on the
CIS index block : Header information is stored on the CIS index block
which is depicted by red color.
Template data block : Blocks for template 1 data and template 2 data.
Number of blocks for each template data is determined by template size.
Template 1 data is depicted by yellow and template 2 data is depicted by
green, respectively.
Unused block : Blank block which is not defined by layout.
Unavailable block : Block that is prohibited from use.
z Editing procedure
To configure customer’s layout, following procedures are required.
Initialize all the blocks to unused ones by pressing the Reset Layout button.
Select the required template size.
Press the Select CIS Index button and click an unused block to select a
CIS index block.
Press the Select Template button and click an unused block to indicate the
start block of template data. Then, the blocks of template 1 data are set
automatically from the selected start block.
Press the Select Template button again and click an unused block to
indicate the start block of template 2 data.
The Apply button transmits smart card layout to selected devices.
z Factory default layout
Factory default smart card layout is as follows :