User's Manual

BioAdmin User Manual 190
Copyright © 2006, 2007 by Suprema Inc.
4.10. BEACon Configuration
By selecting a BEACon on the Device tree, the Device Configuration window for
the selected BEACon is updated on the main window.
The Device Configuration window is divided into 3 sectors:
z Operation Mode
BEACon can control up to two doors. The Operation Mode window shows
whether the selected BEACon is configured as one door mode or two door
z Baud Rate
The Baud rate window shows the transfer speed of the selected BEACon.
z Configuration Set up window
The Configuration set up window shows the current configurations of the
selected BEACon. Also, this window shows the configurations to be changed.
The configuration set up menu is divided by separate tabs, such as BEACon
Relay Setting and BEACon Switch Setting. For the detailed operation of
BEACon, refer to BEACon operation manual.