User's Manual

BioAdmin User Manual 200
Copyright © 2006, 2007 by Suprema Inc.
recommended that only advanced users attempt to change the layout since
improper changes may render the smart card unusable. Read this chapter
carefully for changing the layout from the default configuration.
5.5.1. Configuration of smartcard layout edit page
The Configure Smartcard layout page is divided into 3 sectors :
z Smart Card Layout
It shows the smartcard layout of the Smartcard Device/Writer device connected
to the host PC.
z Smart Card Layout
It shows the name of currently selected device and the layout of the current
device. If a group or all devices are selected, the contents are not available.
z New configuration
This sector is used for editing new layout to be applied to the devices and the
user’s smart card.
z Controls for managing layout
Fill with Current Configuration Value button updates the contents of the new
configuration using the retrieved layout from currently selected device. Transfer