User's Manual

BioAdmin User Manual 71
Copyright © 2006, 2007 by Suprema Inc.
report such as daily report by setting period or individual report.
Upload log is a button to upload a log saved in device and update report button
is a button which implements display prior to output listing a log uploaded device by
date and individual. Lastly, view report is a button to preview a report. Press print
button to print.
2.2. Quick start with BioEntry Plus
This paragraph describes basic procedures of operating BioEntry Plus.
2.2.1. Step 1 : HW installation
BioEntry Plus can be networked by LAN as well as by RS485. For details on
installation, refer to BioEntry Plus installation manual.
2.2.2. Step 2 : Search new device
z Run BioAdmin software.
z Enter login ID and password.
z Select device management on main menu to display device management page
on main window.