User's Manual

Copyright 2006 Suprema Inc.
Enroll New User
n If you enter all the necessary items for enrollment and press OK
key, the following fingerprint menus appear on the display.
Finger No
l Setting : 1//5/None
l 1-5 fingers can be enrolled for each ID.
l Enrolling more than two fingers per user can be useful in a caseof
injury of a finger.
l For a user whose fingerprint is weak or worn-out, enrolling the same
finger twice or more can reduce failure rate.
l If you want to use PIN only instead of fingerprint, select None.
l Setting : None/Last Finger
l Duress is of vital importance in a situation when user is threatened
to open a door by an intruder. If a duress finger is entered, a door
opens normally but the device can send a duress signal to ring an
emergency call or alarm.
l If you select Last Finger on the duress menu, the last fingerprint
enrolled is assigned as a duress finger. For example, if you enroll
three fingers and select Last Finger for duress, the first and second
fingers are enrolled as normal fingers and the third finger as a
duress finger.
l To use duress finger, more than two fingerprints should be enrolled,
ie., Finger No. should be more than 2.
l Duress finger should be different from normal finger enrolled in
For Administrators -Basic Functions
Enroll Finger
None Finger No
Daily Limit
Time Limit
Bypass Card
Input Type
Card ID
Read Card ID
Card ID display change (from V1.3)
Since firmware V1.3, card ID display type
has been changed. So, cards registered
before V1.3 may show a different ID
display. But it doesnt affect card