Product Manual

Before filling the product with water, you need to add your pet's ID.
The app will guide you through the process of adding pets, as 'Add a pet'
mode can only be activated from the app. You will need some of your
cat's favourite treats. Please remember to repeat the process for all cats
in your household. If your pet doesn't have a microchip, please go to to purchase a Sure Petcare Collar Tag.
If you already have a Sure Petcare Household, it is possible to assign your
pets to the Felaqua Connect. Simply go to the Household section of the
app (aer pairing your Felaqua Connect) and click assign.
Adding your pet to Felaqua Connect
Introducing a cautious pet to Felaqua Connect
In some cases you may find your pet will need a bit more time to become comfortable
with their new water bowl. If this is the case, it is important to let them get used to it
gradually. This could take some time, but will be worth the effort.
Start by only filling the bowl with water.
The bubbling noise of water flowing from the
reservoir can be alarming for some cats. Use a jug to
pour water directly into the bowl.
Continue to fill the bowl with water until your cat
uses the Felaqua Connect regularly.
Also try putting the product in dierent locations. A
cat will be more likely to drink where they feel safe
and comfortable. See page 11 for tips.
Once your cat is comfortable drinking from
the bowl, fill the reservoir and let the water
flow into the bowl.