Product Manual

Thank you for choosing Felaqua Connect!
The system is made up of three elements all working together to keep you connected to
your pet and provide more insight into their drinking habits.
The Felaqua Connect unit is the main component of the system. It recognises the
microchip ID (already implanted in your pet) or the Sure Petcare RFID Collar Tag
(purchase separately if required), allowing you to track when your pet drinks. The
product has been specially designed to encourage cats to drink, presenting the water in a
more natural and visible way.
The Hub (sold separately) is the connected element of the system. It connects to your
home internet and can talk to both the Felaqua Connect unit and your Sure Petcare App.
By using the Sure Petcare App, you’ll be able to monitor the amount of water that your
pet has drunk and how frequently they visit the Felaqua Connect unit each day. This will
allow you to observe changes in their drinking habits over time.
What’s in the box
Please make sure you have all these parts*
1 Felaqua Connect unit
2 1 litre/34 fl oz reservoir
3 Drinking bowl
* Batteries and Hub are
not included
Welcome to your new Felaqua™ Connect
In order for your Felaqua Connect to work with the Sure Petcare App, you will need to
purchase an accompanying Hub. For more information on how to purchase a Hub please