User's Manual

Suunto EON Steel
User guide
WARNING: Your actual ascent time may be longer, than displayed by
EON Steel. It could be longer for following reasons: your ascending speed is
slower than 10m/33ft per minute or you are doing decompression deeper
than actual displayed ceiling. Take this into account, since it might increase
the amount of required breathing gas to reach the surface.
6.8 Oxygen calculations
During a dive, EON Steel calculates central nervous system toxicity (CNS%)
and pulmonary oxygen toxicity, tracked by OTU (oxygen toxicity units). The
oxygen calculations are based on currently accepted exposure time limit tables
and principles.
As a default CNS% and OTU values are not displayed on main views until they
hit 80% of their recommended limits. To be precise CNS% is displayed and
notification generated, when it hits 80% limit for a dive. After this the values can
be seen normally on display. Similarly when OTU becomes 250, around 80%
from recommended daily dosage, notification is generated and the value will be
available on main views.
NOTE: CNS% and OTU could be set visible always with customization
if wanted.
6.9 Multi-gas diving
EON Steel allows gas changes during a dive between gases found on gas
menu. When ascending diver is notified to change gases always when
available. For example diver has following gases, when planning to do a
dive to 55 meters:
tx18/45, MOD 58m
tx50/10, MOD 21m
oxygen, MOD 6m
While ascending from bottom, diver is notified to change gas both at 21 and
6 meters e.g. according their MOD (gas maximum operating depth).
Example how gas change is notified in EON Steel: