User Guide

11.6 During exercise
Suunto Ambit3 Peak gives you additional information during your
exercise. The additional information varies depending on the sport
mode you have selected, see . You will also get more information, if you
use a heart rate belt and GPS during exercise.
Suunto Ambit3 Peak allows you to define what information you want to
see on the display.
Here are some ideas on how to use the watch during exercise:
Press [Next] to see additional displays.
Press [View] to see additional views.
To avoid accidentally stopping your log recording or making
unwanted laps, lock the buttons by keeping [Light Lock] pressed.
Press [Start Stop] to pause recording. The pause will be shown in
your log as a lap mark. To resume recording, press [Start Stop]
11.6.1 Second display on phone
If you are using the Suunto Movescount mobile app, you can use your
mobile phone as a second display for your watch.
To use your mobile phone as a second display:
1. Open the Movescount app and tap Move.
2. Select Ambit3 from the list of sport modes and tap Next.
3. Tap on each of the display areas middle, upper left, upper right to
select what values you want displayed.