Use and Care Manual

3.24. Points of interest
A point of interest, or POI, is a special location, such as camping spot or vista along a trail, you
can save and navigate to later. You can create POIs in your watch by saving your current
Each POI is defined by:
POI name
POI type
Date and time created
You can store up to 250 POIs in your watch.
3.24.1. Adding and deleting POIs
You can add a POI by saving your current location in the watch.
If you are outside with your watch and come across a spot you want to save as a POI, you can
add the location directly in your watch.
To add a POI with your watch:
1. Swipe down or press the upper button to open the launcher.
2. Scroll to Navigation and tap on the icon or press the middle button.
3. Swipe up or press the lower button to scroll down to Your location and press the middle
4. Wait for the watch to activate GPS and
find your location.
5. When the watch displays your latitude and longitude, press the upper button to save your
location as a POI and select the POI type.
6. By default the POI name is the same as the POI type (with a running number after it). You
can edit the name later in your online account.
Deleting POIs
You can remove a POI by deleting the POI from the POI list in the watch.
To delete a POI in your watch:
1. Swipe down or press the upper button to open the launcher.
2. Scroll to Navigation and tap on the icon or press the middle button.
3. Swipe up or press the lower button to scroll down to POIs and press the middle button.
4. Scroll to the POI you want to remove from the watch and press the middle button.
5. Scroll to the end of the details and select Delete.
When you delete a POI from your watch, the POI is not permanently deleted.
To permanently delete a POI, you need to delete the POI in your online account.
3.24.2. Navigating to a POI
You can navigate to any POI that is in your watch POI list.
Suunto 9