User's Manual

Powering On
When you power on your computers, the AS-21DA / AS-41DA emulates both a
mouse and keyboard on each port and allows your computers to boot
When you power on the AS-21DA / AS-41DA, the default selected port at
switch power on is the lowest port with a computer connected. The selected
computer will be displayed on the console monitor.
Note: The default connection is determined by the lowest numbered DVI
connection that is powered on.
Manual Switching
The AS-21DA / AS-41DA offers manual port-switching.Thisisachievedby
pressing the port selection pushbuttons located on the unit’s front panel.
Press and release a port selection pushbutton to bring the KVM focus to the
computer attached to its corresponding port.
The Selected LED lights red to indicate that the computer attached to its
corresponding port has the KVM.
LED Display
The AS-21DA / AS-41DA has port LEDs (Online and Selected) that are built into