Owner's Manual

SB-2000 Pro
Adjust to make your system’s low end more powerful and extended while remaining accurate.
The subwoofer should sound like it’s naturally adding bass for all the speakers without overly
drawing attention to itself. Dierent content has dierent levels of output so it’s normal to adjust
volume based on source material and your personal listening preferences.
Low Pass Filter
Enables smooth sonic transition and at frequency response between speakers and the
subwoofer. This allows you to control the upper frequency cut-o to blend with main speakers.
It also allows you to adjust slope, or the rate at which the low pass lter rolls o. If using an AV
Receiver with a Subwoofer Output, leave in the OFF position.
Phase Adjustment
Solves sound wave cancellation issues at specic frequencies and perfectly aligns the arrival of
output from speakers and subwoofers to your listening position. Normally set to 0° if the
subwoofer is near the main speakers. Adjusting Phase shifts timing of the subwoofer output to
align with the main speakers or additional subwoofers.
Polarity (SVS App Only)
In some cases, reversing polarity solves dips or humps at the crossover frequency between a
subwoofer and speaker and can be used to x bass nulls or overly boomy spots in the listening
area. Reversing the electrical polarity of the subwoofer amplier makes it so the woofer moves
in when speaker drivers move out and is normally set to positive.
Parametric EQ (SVS App Only)
Powerful tool for removing peaks and dips in your listening area, and for creating custom
subwoofer output based on personal listening preferences. Works best when used with acoustic
Allows you to set the desired center frequency of the lter, increase or decrease the SPL dB of the
lter, or adjust the bandwidth of the lter.
Room Gain Compensation (SVS App Only)
Fixes bloated sounding bass by optimizing low frequency output and extension when too much
sound wave density is being created by a small room.
Presets (SVS App Only)
Allows up to three pre-saved settings for movie, music and custom. This enables easy switching
to optimize your SB-2000 Pro’s output and settings based on your specic listening preferences
with dierent kinds of content. If using the SVS App, these presets can be renamed as desired.