Reference number: Luisa-20190326001
Establishment / Revision 2019/V0
Not available
Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact: This may result in rupture in extreme cases
Sensitivity to Static Discharge: Not Applicable
Fires involving Li-ion Battery can be controlled with water. When water is used, however,
hydrogen gas may evolve. In a confined space, hydrogen gas can form an explosive mixture.
arising from
In this situation, smothering agents are recommended to extinguish the fire
the chemical
As for any fire, evacuate the area and fight the fire from a safe distance. Wear a
pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective gear.
Fight fire from a protected location or a safe distance. Use NIOSH/MSHA approved
full-face self-contained breathing apparatus(SCBA) with full protective gear.
for firefighters
Health: 0 Flammability: 0 Instability: 0
Section 6-Accidental Release Measures
Spilled internal cell materials, such as electrolyte leaked from a battery cell, are carefully dealt with
according to the followings:
Precautions for human body:
Remove spilled materials with protective equipment (protective glasses and protective gloves).Do
not inhale the gas as much as possible. Moreover, avoid touching with as much as possible.
Environmental precautions:
Do not throw out into the environment.Method of cleaning up: The spilled solids are put into
a container. The leaked place is wiped off with dry cloth. Prevention of secondary hazards:
Avoid re-scattering. Do not bring the collected materials close to fire.
Section 7-Handling and Storage
Don’t handling Li-ion Battery with metalwork. Do not open, dissemble, crush or burn battery.
Ensure good ventilation/ exhaustion at the workplace.
Prevent formation of dust. Information about protection against explosions and fires: Keep ignition
sources away- Do not smoke.
If the Li-ion Battery are subject to storage for such a long term as more than 3 months, it is
recommended to recharge the Li-ion Battery periodically.
3 months: -10~+40, 45 to 85%RH And recommended at 0~+35 for long period storage.
The capacity recovery rate in the delivery state (50% capacity of fully charged) after storage is
assumed to be 80% or more. The voltage for a long time storage shall be 3.7V~4.2V range.
Do not storage Li-ion Battery haphazardly in a box or drawer where they may short-circuit each
other or be short-circuited by other metal objects.
Keep out of reach of children.
Do not expose Li-ion Battery to heat or fire.
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