User manual

16 • SM-900 USER GUIDE
SWR’s SM-900 is rackmountable, requiring no additional parts or accessories, other than rack
screws and the rack case itself. By installing your SM-900 in a rack case, you will help preserve
its beauty and protect the amp from accidental physical damage.
The SM-900 should be mounted as close to the bottom of the rack case as possible. The height of
the rubber feet was chosen so that when you slide the unit in the bottom of the rack case, the
rack mounting holes on the front panel should line up with the mounting holes of the rack rail.
This prevents the unit from flexing downward if the rack case is dropped. If you need to remove
the rubber feet from the bottom of the SM-900, be sure to replace the screws, as they reinforce
the chassis.
If you must mount the SM-900 in the middle of the rack, a piece of wood or similar material
should be installed between the bottom of the rack case and the bottom of the SM-900. This will
help prevent flexing of the chassis. Although we have installed an additional steel bracket for
strength, severe or constant flexing of the chassis can cause the main chassis to weaken or
crack and can void your warranty.
Make sure there is adequate space between the sides of the SM-900 and the sides of the rack
case for proper ventilation.
Don’t neglect your amp after it has been installed in a rack case. Occassionaly check the screws
holding the amp into the rack, making sure they are tight. Continuous transportation and vibration
can cause screws to become loose, both on the unit and with your rack case rails. At least once
a month, remove the SM-900 from the case and tighten all outside screws, especially on the front
panel, and wipe off the outside of the chassis with a damp cloth. Then check all the connections
in your rack case and reinstall your unit.