iAnywhere Home Theater Server User Manual

CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
4943 16 Dropping a column which is a primary key is not allowed. Drop the constraint (object id
`%ld') before dropping this column.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics,
and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
4944 16 Dropping a column which is a foreign key is not allowed. Drop the constraint (object id
`%s') before dropping this column.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics,
and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
4945 16 Cannot drop the column because cursor `%.*s' is still open. Close the cursor(s) before
dropping the column.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics,
and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
4946 16 Dropping a column from a table which has a constraint associated with it is not allowed.
Drop the constraint (object id `%ld') before dropping this column.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics,
and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
4947 16 Dropping an identity column from a table while identity_insert is `on' is not allowed. Set
identity_insert to `off' before dropping this column.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics,
and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
4948 25 Dropping the column failed while logging data from page %d. This command is being
rolled back.
Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Modify the command to fit
available resources, retry when the resource is available, or contact your System
Administrator to address the resource problem.
4949 20 The alttab_begin() function is trying to put too many lock requests in the lock_requests[]
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current
process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so
dbcc diagnostics can be run.
4950 16 Cannot partition table `%.*s' because it is a system table.
Explanation: The partition clause of the alter table command allows you to partition
user tables that do not have a clustered index. Partitioning is not allowed for system tables.
4951 16 Cannot create %d partitions on the table '%.*s' with clustered index because the maximum
number of partitions allowed on a table with clustered index is %d.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
4953 16 Cannot partition table `%.*s' because it is already partitioned.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
4954 16 Cannot unpartition table `%.*s' because it is not partitioned.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
Number Severity Text and Explanation