iAnywhere Home Theater Server User Manual

CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
4968 16 The table '%.*s' you've specified is a system table. Executing the '%.*s' command is not
permitted on system tables.
Explanation: Invalid command.
4969 16 The table '%.*s' you've specified is a temporary table. Executing the '%.*s' command is not
permitted on temporary tables.
Explanation: Invalid command.
4970 16 Cannot unlock this table because the table is not locked in that mode.
Explanation: Invalid command.
4971 16 This table cannot be locked in '%.*s' mode because it was already locked in '%.*s ' mode.
Explanation: Invalid command.
4972 10 Warning: Empty Table '%.*s' with a clustered index has been partitioned. All data
insertions will go to the first partition. To distribute the data to all the partitions, re-create
the clustered index after loading the data.
Explanation: Table is partitioned but will become unbalanced with future inserts. Take
the recommended action to maintain partition balance.
4973 20 Row size (%d bytes) exceeded the maximum row size limit (%d bytes) for data only locked
format while changing the lock scheme from ALLPAGES to DATAONLY for object
ā€™%.*sā€™ (ID %d) in database ā€™%.*sā€™ (ID %d). The lock scheme for the object was not
Explanation: Consult the System Administration Guide for more information.
4974 21 Process %d was expected to hold logical lock on object %ld.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting all processes using
the current database. Report the error to your System Administrator.
4975 16 Cannot alter table for lockscheme change because cursor '%.*s' is still open. Close the
cursor(s) before lockscheme change.
Explanation: Wait for the process holding the cursor to complete.
4977 16 You cannot run ALTER TABLE LOCK in this database because the 'select into/bulkcopy'
option is off. Please check with the DBO.
Explanation: Invalid or illegal command.
4978 16 User aborted ALTER TABLE LOCK change command for table %.*s
Explanation: DDL command aborted.
4979 20 ALTER TABLE LOCK change for table '%.*s' failed: insufficient memory to allocate
backout structure.
Explanation: Retry the DDL command when there is more memory available for the
4980 17 No space left in database '%S_DBID'; Use ALTER DATABASE to increase size of
database. Else, an old transaction may be active; see Syslogshold table.
Explanation: Check the syslogshold table for long-running transactions.
Number Severity Text and Explanation