iAnywhere Home Theater Server User Manual

Backup Server Error Messages 5.1.2 - 6.89.2
6.65.2 2 Volume validation error: illegal volume change, device
%1!: volume for stripe %2! mounted while stripe %3!
loading still in progress.
Explanation: Reminds user that all volumes of a
dump-time stripe must complete loading on the device
before the first volume of another dump-time stripe
may begin loading.
6.66.2 2 Volume validation error: illegal volume change, device
%1!: volume mounted out of order, expected volume
%2!, got volume %3!
Explanation: Volumes must be loaded in the same
order in which they were dumped.
6.78.1 1 EXECUTE sp_volchanged\n\t@session_id =
%1!,\n\t@devname = `%2!%3!',\n\t@action = { `%4!'
| `%5!' | `%6!' }%7!%8!
Explanation: Template for sp_volchanged
execution. proceed means continue operation with the
currently mounted volume. retry means redo the
validation check that led to the prompt (presumably on
a new volume). abort means abort the entire dump or
load session.
6.80.2 2 Session %1! is exiting by request from
sp_volchanged.\nData written in this session are
incomplete and invalid.\nAborting session.
Explanation: The user requested an abort through
6.81.2 2 Unrecognized volume change prompt id (internal
error); task must exit.
Explanation: Indicates a Backup Server
programming error. Retry the dump or load command,
avoiding unnecessary volume manipulations.
6.82.2 2 %1! is not a recognized sp_volchanged action.
Explanation: User provided an illegal @action value
sp_volchanged. The value must be proceed, retry, or
Number Severity Text and Explanation