Installation Instructions

Installation et connections Page 25/57
Installation and starting instructions
10) Self-powered relays outputs connections PO1
The self-powered PO1 power relay output (Primary supply voltage = Voltage available on P3)
can be used for dosing, alarm, timer…
► Strip the 3 wires of the power cable of the dosing device on 7mm
Pass the 3-point cable through a cable gland
Connect the phase on L1 (50) and the neutral on N (51) of the
PO1 mains terminal block
Connect the earth on PE (52) of the PO1 mains terminal block
Tighten the cable gland to seal.
11) Potential-free relay connections (FO1 to FO4)
The potential-free relay outputs can be used as alarm relays, regulation or be controlled in Timer mode
as required.
Use a 2-wire cable with a section appropriate for the voltage and
Remove the protective sheath
Strip wires on 7mm
Pass the cable through a cable gland
Connect a cable on the midpoint COMMON (39) of the terminal
Connect the second cable on the WORK (38) of the terminal
block or on the REST (40) depending on the function to be
Tighten the cable gland to seal.