Installation Instructions

General use Page 26/67
Installation and starting instructions
10) Self-powered relays outputs connections (PO1 et PO2)
The self-powered PO1 power relay output (Primary supply voltage = Voltage available on P3)
can be used for dosing, alarm, timer…
These outputs have a permissible MAX current of 3A and a MAX voltage of 240V.
► Strip the 3 wires of the power cable of the dosing device on 7mm
Pass the 3-point cable through a cable gland
Connect the phase on L1 (44) and the neutral on N (45) of the
PO1 mains terminal block
Connect the earth on PE (46) of the PO1 mains terminal block
Tighten the cable gland to seal.
► Strip the 3 wires of the power cable of the dosing device on 7mm
Pass the 3-point cable through a cable gland
Connect the phase on L1 (50) and the neutral on N (51) of the
PO2 mains terminal block
Connect the earth on PE (52) of the PO2 mains terminal block
Tighten the cable gland to seal.