Installation Instructions

Installation and connections Page 31/67
Installation and starting instructions
Blue (Terminal n°3): AA’ RS485
White (Terminal n°4): BB’ RS485
Black (Terminal n°5): GND RS485
Configuration: All switches on "ON"
Contact us for more information about the product.
Respect the bus wiring.
A USB/RS485 converter is recommended to connect the SYCLOPE ODITouch
to a computer.
Please refer to converter documentation to realize the connection.
Reference Name
INF1021 Converter USB => 485
Devices can be chained respecting the order of cables (Parallel wiring).
b) Polarization and termination of the RS485 bus
The bus can be polarized from your device if
necessary. To do this you must switch the two micro-
switches (Pol. RS+ (A) and Pol. RS-(B)) of the electronic
card in ON position.
If your device is the last on the line on the RS485 bus
you can switch the Term. RS switch on ON to activate line
For security reasons, it’s imperative to turn OFF the power of your device before opening the case
to switch the micro-switches!
For more information about the RS485 converter configuration, see « DOC0461 Communication
programming instructions ODITOUCHH ENG Rev1 ».
RS + (A)
RS – (B)
Term RS