Installation Instructions

Input mode Page 50/67
Installation and starting instructions
Press on it to open the numeric keyboard which allow you to modify the value of the High
Scale (Min. and Max. different according to the type of measurement).
Press on it to open the numeric keyboard which allow you to modify the value of the Low
Scale (Min. and Max. different according to the type of measurement).
Press on it to open the numeric keyboard which allow you to modify the duration of the
recording interval (Min : 0 ; Max : 255). (0 is equivalent to OFF and therefore stop recording)
Press on it to clear history. The window bellow will open asking you to confirm or not the
deletion of the history.
Cursor information
This part contains all the information (value, alarms, states…) of the channel at a given time
(moment which can be modified by moving the cursor from left to right).
Value: Value of the parameter
Setpoint: Regulation instruction (- - - - => Instruction disabled)
High alarm: High setting alarm (- - - - => Alarm disabled)
Low alarm: Low setting alarm (- - - - => Alarm disabled)
Inactive: Status of the regulator ( : Active ; : Inactive)
Halt: State of the channel ( : Operating ; : Pause)
Polarization: Polarization of the sensor ( : Polarized sensor ; :
Polarization in progress)
Circulation: State of water flow ( :Active flow ; :No flow)
Dosing: State of the dosage ( : No dosage ; : Rising dosage in
progress ; : Falling dosage in progress)
Sensor fault: State of the sensor ( : Sensor OK ; : Sensor fault)
Alarm: State of alarms ( : No alarm ; : Active alarm)
Bottom level tank: State of the tank ( : Full tank ; : Empty tank)
Overdosing: State of the overdosage ( : Normal state ; : Overdosage)
Controller : State of the controller ( :Controller in operating ; :
Controller on pause ; : Controller off)
Date and time according to the
Confirm the deletion of the
Cursor information
20/04/2020 – 09:33
Value 7.00
Setpoint 6.90
Parameter state:
Low alarm 6.30
High alarm - - - -
Sensor fault
Bott. Level tank
Controller ON