Installation Instructions

Input mode Page 53/67
Installation and starting instructions
The decimal symbol changes automatically according to the language.
If an incorrect or out-of-scale value is entered, the « Min : 0 – Max : 14.00 » is displayed in
red when you press « Enter »
« OFF » button used to desactivate a value, exemple, desactivate an alarm threshold.
3) Alphanumeric keyboard
a) « Shift » key
This key switch the keyboard from lowercase to uppercase and vide versa. When this
key is pressed, it will automatically switch again after pressing an alphanumeric key.
Key released and inactive => press Key pressed and active
Key not available ins this keyboard configuration
b) « Caps lock » key
This key switch the keyboard from lowercase to uppercase and keep it in uppercase. In
this position the “Shift” kay allows a temporary toggle from capital to small.
Key released and inactive => press Key pressed and active
Key not available ins this keyboard configuration
Caps lock
Shift key
type key
Entry field
Other caracters key