Installation Instructions

Annexes Page 59/67
Installation and starting instructions
Activate pump power management
- When using C.R.T or electronics relays for dosing, it’s possible to use the two self-powered
relays to supply pumps. To do this you must select this option.
« Flowswitch » detector of water circulation present
- If your installation has a water circulation detector in the measure chambers you can check
this box to configure the input.
Temperature sensor (4…20mA) present
- If your installation has a temperature measurement sensor you can check this box to
configure the input.
Press ‘Save’ button to validate your configuration.
So you can reset or not the User and Communication configurations in addition to the
installation and adjustement section.
It’s also possible is necessary or request from technical support to reset only Communication or
User part by checking only the box concerned.
Factory initialization
Check the configuration to initialize.
Installation & Settings