
18. OUTPUT Button [page 12]
Press to :_eloci DVD mode ol VCR mode,
Q You caa _,witch the outpm mode eilhcr by pressing
OUTPU'F on _he flonl panel, or by pressing DVD or
V('R on the _emole control, However, if you press
OI!TPUT on the ti'ont panel first, ynl! need In re-
select the corresponding mode by pressing DVD or
VCR _}n the remole eon|rnL
19. Remote Sensor Window
20. Display
21. PLAY Button (DVD) [page 22]
Plcs._ 1o begin ph@mt:k.
22. STOP Button (DVD) [page 22]
Stops op,m_tion o{ the disc.
23. SPEED Button [page 19]
Press u/,.elect the VCR's recording .T..eed(SP or SLP/
24. POWER Button
Pres_,to turn the po_;er on ,n!d o11
25. Number Buttons
DVD mode [page 24]
Pros,-, Io select nulnbcred itCheS ]1_ a lr_elltl.
Use Itlis huaon to elttm nmnber 1(tumt al-;o,_e.
QVCR mode [page 18]
P*e_;:,to select TV chamlels on the VCR.
To select channels, enter channel ntllllhers as a i\vo.
digit number ibr the quickest rcsuhs. For example, to
select charnel 6, press 0 5hen 6.
26. DISPLAY Button
DVD mode [page 28]
[:qes_ to access or remove Ihc display screen during
DVD el Audio CD playback.
VCR mode [page 2!]
t)I'CS_; _O ackess Or lelllo\,e {he VCR's oil--screen slatus
27. DVD Button [page 12]
Pl'c'_5to select DVD mode for the remote eontloi.
You can switch _he OUTPL P mode either by pressing
OUTPUT eli the front panel oz by pressing DVD oJ
VCR on fl_e remote conl_ol, tlowever, if you press
OIJ'IPUT on the front panel first, you need to re-
select the eerresponding mode by pressing
DVD or VCR on [he remote control
28. _ Button
DVD mode [page 23]
PIes_ to vie_ fileDV[) piclure in la_t reverse Illotion.
Press PAL SE, If'loll press t!lls btfltoll tO begin 'dov,
motion playback. Press this btlUon repeatedly to
change the reverse speed of sio'_,,lllotioIL
VCR mode [page 18]
Press to _ewind the tape, ,or !o view tile pk'mrc rapid-
iy in reverse during Ihc playback mode (Rewind
29. STOP Button
DVD mode
Press to stop the disc motkm.
VCR mode
PIc_, to _top lhc tape motion.
30. RECORD Button [page 19]
Press ol]ce [o qtart a tecoFdh/{_,
31. MENU Button
DVD mode [page 231
Ple:,,s to display ll;e menu of the Di,:c.
YeN mode [page 17]
Press lo access, the V('R menu.
32. TITLE Button [page 23]
33. SETUP Button [pages 28-314
Press to enter I)VD f)Ja)er setup mode.
34. ZOOM Button [page 24]
l'nlarges part ofd DVl)-.,epmdut cd image.
35. MODE Button [pages 26, 27, and 30]
Activales prog,gtn] pie) back or random playback
when playing CDs or MPa. Sets Black level and vhluid
36. SUBTITLE Button [page 27]
Press to select the deshcd subtitle hmguagu..
T-SET Button [page 20]
[>tess to put _he VCR inh) s_aiMby mode for a thrlcr
37, ANGLE Button [page 271
Press m change the camera angle to see tlac sequence
being played back tram a difii'renl angle.
38. REPEAT Button [page 25]
Repeals pla),buck el the culle]tt disc. title, chaptt:r or
39. A-B REPEAT Button'[page 25]
Repealsplayback of a selecled seefiol_.
40. SEARCH MODE Button
DVD mode [page 24]
I_rr-'_s to access ot rell!ovg lhc Search (][splay,
which al!ows you Io go dheetl 3 to a specific
TiflciCh ap{erFf rack/q talc.
VCR mode [page 18]
Press t,,)petfonrt a "t_me Search or all Index Search.
41. CLEAR/C.RESET Button
DVD mode [pages 24, 25]
Pte_, to loser tile setting.
VCR mode [page 18]
Press 1o icsct the uoullteL Press tO exil ]:lot!_ the
MENU screen.
42. RETURN Button [page 30]
Q DVD mode
Return:, to the tm:v_ous operation.
43. Arrow Buttons
Use ,ahen making sellmgs while v_aehing tile display
Olli*TV screen.
eVeR mode [page tel
Press to eEiterdigit_ whet; setting program/For exam-.
pJc: Sct{ing clock or lilner prograli U, Press 10 select
the selling modes from _he on screen trienu.
When betting program (t;or example: settlingclock or
thner program) [wes_to dek'lmine youl selection and
[noceed _o tile l}e}d sl{.'p yell 'A, an_ [o inpll[. Press to
determine the senhrg modes hom the on _creen
menu. Press to _t(ltl or (teJcte channel nunlbers durirlg
channcl p_c_ct.
Pw_s to cancel a setting of Pmer program. Pre_ Io
col_cm digils when scttirlg progranl (For example:
setting clock or limcr program), [_c_sto add el dclek:
chal!oel nmnbers duri!!g channel preset
44. ENTER Button
DVD mode [page 22]
Pre,;s m accepl a setting.
-- 9 - EN