User Manual

Table Of Contents
AR 400 Reader User’s Manual 2003-2004 Matrics, Inc. 1
Section 1. Introduction
This AR 400 Reader User’s Manual, designed for end-users of a Matrics Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) System, describes the Matrics AR 400 Reader (Model Number: AR-400-US) and how to install,
configure, and use it.
Document Conventions
The following conventions are used in this User’s Manual:
1. Numbered list Provides step-by-step procedures for performing an action
Bulleted list
Provides grouped information, not procedural steps
Acronyms and Abbreviations
The following acronyms and abbreviations are used in this User’s Manual:
IC Integrated Circuit
MVM Matrics Visibility Manager
OOK On Off Keyed
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
TBD To Be Determined
For additional information, refer to the following documentation:
Matrics API Programmer’s Manual (PN: 110009-001)
While Matrics has committed its best efforts to providing accurate information and timely updates to this
User’s Manual, we assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained herein, and we
reserve the right to make changes to this User’s Manual without notice.