User's Manual

Using Bluetooth
Turning the Bluetooth Radio Mode On and Off
Turn off the Bluetooth radio to save power or if entering an area with radio restrictions (e.g., an airplane). When the
radio is off, other Bluetooth devices cannot see or connect to the FR6876. Turn on the Bluetooth radio to exchange
information with other Bluetooth devices (within range). Communicate only with Bluetooth radios in close proximity.
To achieve the best battery life turn off radios not in use.
Disabling Bluetooth
To disable Bluetooth, tap Bluetooth icon to enter Wireless Manager. Tap Bluetooth icon to change on to off. The
Bluetooth icon changes to indicate that Bluetooth is disabled.
Figure 4-1 Disable Bluetooth
Enabling Bluetooth
To enable Bluetooth, tap Bluetooth icon to enter Wireless Manager. Tap Bluetooth icon to change off to on. The
Bluetooth icon changes to indicate that Bluetooth is enabled.
Figure 4-2 Enable Bluetooth