User Manual

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Cleaning with alcohol or a similar organic solvent will likely flood soldering flux residuals into
the two housings, which is not accessible for post-washing inspection. The solvent could
also damage any stickers or labels.
Ultrasonic cleaning could damage the module permanently.
The recommended approach is to consider using a no clean” soldering paste and eliminate the
post-soldering cleaning step.
Repeating Reflow Soldering
Only a single reflow soldering process is encouraged for host boards.
The Model SM220 Module can be unsoldered from the host board, but the process is likely to
damage the chip and not recommended. If attempting this, use of a hot air rework tool and hot plate
for pre-heating from underneath is recommended. Avoid overheating.
WARNING!: Never attempt a rework on the module itself (e.g. replacing individual
components). Such actions will terminate warranty coverage.
Additional Grounding
Attempts to improve module or system grounding by soldering braids, wires, or cables onto the
module RF shield cover is done at the customers own risk. The numerous ground pins at the module
perimeter should be sufficient for optimum immunity to external RF interference.
SNAP Engine SM220 Series Data Sheet 430000-01A