MODBUS LITE V5.01 parameter specification

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MODBUS parameters "ebm-papst series 84 / 112 / 150 / 200"
ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG
Bachmühle 2 ·74673 Mulfingen, Germany ·Phone: +49 (0) 7938/81-0 ·Fax: +49 (0) 7938/81-110 · ·
DocNo.: 634505DocNo.: 446144DocNo.:358982DocNo.:322523DocNo.:309753DocNo.:303997DocNo.:276241DocNo.:256078DocNo.:196392 ·Template: 2 dated 6 October 2003 ·File: ext001157859.doc ·Last printed 10/03/2015 15:13:00
·Page 20 of 70
Form 1003 Applications
Initialising a system
All fans have the same address 1 when they leave the factory. So that each fan can be addressed individually,
this address must be modified in such a way that each fan is assigned its own separate address when
a system comprising several fans is being configured.
Conventional method (command 0x06 Write Single Register):
1. Switch on the first fan (all others remain switched off)
2. Change the address via command 0x06 Write Single Register
3. Switch on the next fan
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all fans have an individual address.
Procedure for known serial numbers (e.g. printed on type plate)
1. Switch on all fans
2. Change the addresses using command 0x46 Write Single Register Addressed By Serial No.
Procedure with unknown serial numbers:
1. Switch on all fans
2. Identification of the serial numbers using command 0x43 Read Holding Register Addressed By Serial No.
or 0x44 Read Input Register Addressed By Serial No. in broadcast address with collision detection
3. When a serial number has been identified:
Change the MODBUS address via command 0x46 Write Single Register Addressed By Serial No.
The advantage over the conventional procedure is that all the fans can be switched on at once during the
initialisation of a system. Despite the same address 1, each fan can be addressed individually. Each fan can
be assigned an individual address by the master device (e.g. PC) without the need to perform switching
actions on the system.
Implementation in the master device (e.g. PC):
For known serial numbers, we recommend the following procedure for implementation in a master device:
1. The master device is furnished with all serial numbers via manual entry
2. Each fan is assigned a MODBUS address via the serial number.
For this purpose, 2 broadcast commands are required per fan:
a. Set the holding register fan address (D100):
00 46 SNr SNr SNr SNr SNr SNr D1 00 00 Adr CS CS
(CS = CRC checksum)
b. Set the holding register reset (D000) to 0x02 Adopt parameters:
00 46 SNr SNr SNr SNr SNr SNr D0 00 00 02 CS CS
SNr = determined serial number of the fan; Adr = assigned MODBUS address