MODBUS LITE V5.01 parameter specification

Table Of Contents
MODBUS parameters "ebm-papst series 84 / 112 / 150 / 200"
ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG
Bachmühle 2 ·74673 Mulfingen, Germany ·Phone: +49 (0) 7938/81-0 ·Fax: +49 (0) 7938/81-110 · ·
DocNo.: 634505DocNo.: 446144DocNo.:358982DocNo.:322523DocNo.:309753DocNo.:303997DocNo.:276241DocNo.:256078DocNo.:196392 ·Template: 2 dated 6 October 2003 ·File: ext001157859.doc ·Last printed 10/03/2015 15:13:00
·Page 60 of 70
Form 1003
2.45 Production data
Production data is information to enable a device to be traced. The behaviour of the fan is not influenced by
these parameters.
2.45.1 Fan serial number and production date
Address of serial number : D1A2 / D1A3
Address of production date : D1A4
Write authorisation : ebm-papst
For each fan, ebm-papst assigns an individual serial number. This serial number has 10 digits.
Format: YYWW00XXXX
YY : Production year
WW : Calendar week of production
00 : Fixed value 00
XXXX : Sequential number
The first 4 digits contain the production date (year/calendar week).
With the beginning of each production week, the number XXXX starts counting up from zero and is increased
by 1 for each fan. Each character can represent values from 0-9 and from A-Z. The maximum number of
characters that can be encoded for each digit is thus 36, i.e. 36
= 1 679 616 devices/week.
a) Serial number (D1A2 / D1A3)
In the parameter "Serial number", only the part XXXX (sequential number) is stored.
Each digit is encoded as an ASCII value.
bytes DataASCII number Serial ][
b) Production date (D1A4)
The YYWW part is stored in the parameter "Production date".
Each digit is encoded as a hex value.
(LSB)bytes Data weekProduction
(MSB)bytes Datayear Production
ebm-papst serial number: 09230012GY
-> Content D1A2: 0x4759 (GY)
Content D1A3: 0x3132 (12)
Content D1A4: 0x0917 (09/23)