Corrigo ventilation 3.4 manu

40 Chapter 5 Functional description Manual Corrigo Ventilation, revision R
5.1.9 Heat exchanger efficiency monitoring
The function calculates the heat exchanger temperature efficiency in percent when the output signal
to the exchanger is higher than 5 % and the outdoor temperature is lower than 10°C.
When the control signal is lower than 5 % or the outdoor temperature is higher than 10°C the
display will show 0 %.
The heat exchanger efficiency is calculated using the following formula:
Option1: Efficiency = (Extractairtemp Exhaustairtemp) / (Extractairtemp
Outdoortemp) * 100
Option2: Efficiency = (Efficiencytemp Outdoortemp) / (Extractairtemp
Outdoortemp) * 100
An alarm is activated if the efficiency falls below the set alarm level (50 %).
In- and outputs
Outdoor temperature sensor
Extract air sensor
Exhaust air sensor
Efficiency temperature sensor
The efficiency temperature sensor should be located after the heat exchanger but before the heater
and replaces the exhaust air temperature sensor.
5.1.10 External setpoint
An external setpoint device, e.g. TBI-PT1000 or TG-R4/PT1000 can be connected. The setpoint
device must follow the PT1000 resistance curve. The unit is connected to the analogue input signal
”Extra temperature sensor 1”. The function must be activated in the menu ”Configuration/External
setpoint”. The setting range can be min/max limited via a setting in the controller. The factory
setting is min: +12, max: +30.
In- and outputs
Extra temperature sensor 1
5.1.11 Recirculation
Recirculation is a function for distributing the air in the room using the supply air fan. The function
can be used even when there is no heating or cooling demand. When using recirculation control, the
extract air fan stops (but can also be set to run) and a recirculation damper opens which allows the
air to circulate through the unit.
Recirculation is activated either via a digital input signal or by connecting it to "Timer output 5". If
timer output for normal/reduced speed is activated during recirculation via ”Timer output 5”,
normal/reduced speed gets priority. If timer output for normal/reduced speed is activated during
recirculation via a digital input, recirculation gets priority.
Either a digital output (Recirculation damper) or an analogue output (Y4 Extra sequence) can be
used as an output signal. When Y4 Extra sequence is used, the damper will become modulating.
Recirculation control can be configured as either air circulation (temperature control inactive) or air
circulation with temperature control. (Only heating, only cooling or both heating and cooling).
Recirculation control has its own setpoint. However, the other settings are the same as for normal
operation, i. e. if normal operation has been configured as room control, room control will also be
used during recirculation.