Corrigo ventilation 3.4 manu

54 Chapter 6 Starting and stopping the unit Manual Corrigo Ventilation, revision R
6.3 Start sequence
Start of the unit will run according to the following sequence:
1. If the controller is configured for water heating and has an outdoor temperature sensor and
the outdoor temperature is below +3ºC the heating valve is opened and the heating
circulation pump is started.
2. If the controller is configured with a heat exchanger and has an outdoor temperature sensor
and the outdoor temperature is below +15ºC the heat exchanger will be run at 100%
capacity for a pre-set time.
3. Signals for outdoor air and exhaust air dampers are activated.
4. The extract air fan or the pressure control of the extract air fan will be started after a preset
5. The supply air fan or the control of the supply air pressure will be started after a preset
6. Thereafter temperature control according to the configured control mode is started. Electric
heating, if configured, is not started until a run signal from the supply air fan or flow
switch has been received. And not yet activated pumps will be started.
7. After a pre-set delay, the alarm handling system is activated. The unit is in normal running
6.4 Stop sequence
Stopping of the unit will run according to the following sequence:
1. Deactivation of the alarm handling system.
2. Electric heating, if configured, is shut down.
3. After individually set delay times the fans are stopped.
4. Outdoor air and exhaust air dampers are shut down.
5. Actuator signals are set to zero and the pumps are stopped.
6. If shutdown mode is configured, it will be activated.
In order to maintain an acceptable supply air temperature as long as possible, the heat exchanger
will continue to run during the stop sequence until everything else is stopped.