Table Of Contents
The menu system Corrigo ventilation user guide, revision F
Exchanger de-icing
This menu is shown if exchanger de-icing has been
configured. If the temperature at the de-icing sensor
drops below the setpoint value, the de-icing function is
started. It is stopped when the temperature has risen
above the setpoint plus the set differential.
Heat exchanger efficiency monitoring
The function calculates the heat exchanger temperature efficiency in % when the output
signal to the exchanger is higher than 5 % and the outdoor temperature is lower than 10°C.
The function requires an extract air sensor, an exhaust air sensor and an outdoor sensor or an
efficiency sensor, extract air sensor and outdoor sensor.
When the control signal is lower than 5% or the outdoor temperature is higher than 10°C the
display will show 0%.
The first of the three below menus can be found under Configuration in the controller. The
fourth menu is located under Temperature.
Recirculation is a function for mixing the air in the room using the supply air fan. The
function can be used even when there is no heating or cooling demand. When using
recirculation control, the extract air fan stops and a recirculation damper opens which allows
the air to circulate through the unit.
It is selectable whether or not the extract air fan
should run during recirculation.
Deicing exchanger
Actual: 11.2°C
Setp: -3.0°C
Hysteresis: 1.0°C
Efficiency exch
Actual: 93%
Output exchanger
Actual: 100%
Enable temp
control when
Heat and cooling
Constant or
setpoint offset
when recirculation:
EAF running during
recirculation: No
Offset SAF when
frequency control
and recirculation:
0.0 Pa