9. Check if the unit has a re-heater battery connected. At very cold outdoor conditions an electrical or water heating
battery might be necessary. A re-heater battery can be acquired as an accessory.
1. Clean fan impellers.
2. Check that the screws holding the fans are tightened.
3. Check that the anti vibration lists are fitted to the mounting bracket and to the back of the unit.
4. Check that the rotor belt is not slipping if the unit has rotating heat exchanger.
5 Accessories
SAVE VTR 250/B have many available accessories that can be used to expand functionality of the unit and increase
comfort level.
Recommended accessories can be always found at Systemair website by searching the article
number or the name of the desired accessory.
5.1 Internet Access Module (IAM)
Internet access module is a device that allows to connect to the unit and con-
trol it via a mobile application or directly from the computer and receive auto-
matic updates.
The Cloud is a mediator between the user and the unit. To access your unit
via Cloud, it has to be connected to the internet via Internet Access Module.
Component/product Article number:
IAM 323606
5.1.1 Setting up remote control of the unit
SAVE T ouch Cloud
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