4.3.2 To select a different filter kit
Standard filters are designed for good outdoor air quality. It is possible to se-
lect and order filter kits for poorer air quality environment.
To change filter kit type
1. Touch Select different filter kit button in the alarm menu.
Alternatively, go to Filter menu (3.2.2 Home screen overview, page 4,
pos. E).
2. Select filter kit from the list.
3. Touch OK button.
4.4 To clean the heat exchanger
Make sure that the Mains supply to the unit is disconnected before performing any maintenance or
electrical work!
Risk of personal injury! The heat exchanger weighs about 14 kg. There is a risk that the heat exchanger
falls out of the unit.
If the unit is ceiling mounted with side cover facing downwards, the heat exchanger may fall out if not
Beware of sharp edges during mounting and maintenance. Use protective gloves.
Even if the required maintenance is carried out, dust will build up in the ex-
changer block. It is therefore of vital importance for the upkeep of a high effi-
ciency that the exchanger block is removed from the unit and cleaned
periodically as described below. Clean the heat exchanger at least every 3
years or when required.
1. Stop the unit by disconnecting the mains.
2. Open the front hatch. See chapter 4.2.
3. Disconnect the rotor power supply and the rotor sensor. The cables are
found beside the rotor at the back.
4. Pull out the rotor towards you. Some force may be needed.
5. Gently vacuum the heat exchanger.
Ensure the rotor motor is not exposed to moisture
6. Remount the rotor. Don’t forget to reconnect the rotor power and sensor
7. Close and lock the front hatch and connect the unit to mains.
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