3. Use strips to lock the rubber tube and the pipe in the correct position.
4. Connect a 2–wire cable from the connection box (UI, 24V) to the pressure
switch terminals (NO and COM).
5. Connect pressure switch wires to one of the 5 universal inputs, marked
“UI1–5” and “24V on the connection board. “UI1” and “24V” are pre-con-
figured for this function, see wiring diagram of the ventilation unit.
Please contact your installer to find air pressure for your system. It may nec-
essary to perform several tests and calibrations to find pressure, increased by
the cooker hood, at which the differential pressure switch gets activated.
The exhaust air pressure and air pressure increase caused by the cooker hood is different for each
ventilation system.
Set the switch activation pressure value using the knob under the lid. The setpoint value is visible through
the lid.
1. Go to Service menu
2. Enter password (default 1111)
3. Go to Input menu. Select UNIVERSAL tab.
4. Select the universal input to which wire from the differential pressure switch is connected.
Example if it is connected to UI1 on the connection board, then select option UNIVERSAL INPUT 1. Set signal type as
Digital Input and select an option Pressure Guard from the input type list.
5.5.4 Multiple control panels
Multiple control panels (up to 10) can be connected to one unit with the help of diverting plugs. A single diverting plug
allows to connect two control panels. A diverting plug can be connected to another diverting plug to further increase
the number of control panels that can be connected simultaneously.
If the 24 V power supply on the connection board (CB) is used for other equipment, the number of control
panels that can be powered from the unit will decrease.
A single active control panel draws 50 mA. The connection board supplies up to 250 mA. If no other
accessories use 24 V power supply from the unit, up to 5 control panels can be connected without a need
of external power supply. In order to connect more than 5 control panels, an external power supply is
Control panel is available in black or white colour.
DP diverting plug
HMI control panel
Component/product Article number:
CE/CD-diverting plug 4pin 37367
CEC Cable w/plug 12m 24782
CEC Cable w/plug 6m 24783
SAVE TOUCH White 138077
SAVE TOUCH Black 138078
SAVE LIGHT White 319118
SAVE LIGHT Black 319119
Installation and connection
1. Connect diverting plug to the connection box socket dedicated for external control panel (HMI) or Internet access
module (IAM).
2. Plug in control panels to diverting plug(s) using recommended cables or any cable with RJ22 type plugs.
24 V
| v01