4.3 To change filters
Make sure that the Mains supply to the unit is disconnected before performing any maintenance or
electrical work!
The filters cannot be cleaned and must be changed as necessary. This is nor-
mally done 1–2 times per year depending on the air pollution at the installa-
tion site.
It is very important to change filters regularly for performance and energy ef-
ficiency of the unit.
When it’s time to change the filters an alarm is shown on the control panel
display. When this occurs do the following:
1. Stop the unit by disconnecting the mains.
2. Open the front hatch. See chapter 4.2.
3. Pull out the filters towards you. Some force may be needed.
4. Insert the new filters. Make sure that the correct filter types are inserted.
5. Close and lock the front hatch and connect the unit to mains.
6. Reset the filter time. See chapter 4.3.1.
4.3.1 To reset the filter change time
Once filter is changed, it is necessary to reset filter time. Go to Filter menu
(see 3.2.2 Home screen overview, page 4, pos. E) or if filter alarm is present,
click on alarm status line (see 3.2.2 Home screen overview, page 4, pos. 5)
and select filter alarm. Select CHANGE FILTER, in the pop up menu define a
new filter period and press OK to confirm selection.
Filter time is now reset.
The menu is locked by default. Enter a password (default
password is 1111).
To reset filter change timer for SAVE Light
Push and hold
and buttons for 3 seconds to reset the filter timer
(filter change LED will turn off).
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