| Configuration
Set the time. Touch the START TIME or END TIME values to change time. Use arrow buttons
and to increase or
decrease value. Confirm with OK button.
Scheduled time can start but never end at midnight (00:00). The latest END TIME period is 23:59. Scheduled
time cannot go to the next day.
12 or 24 hour time format can be changed in System Preferences menu.
If necessary, activate second scheduled period and set up time.
Once time is set, click on the day(s) when schedule should be active. It is possible to set a separate schedule for each
day. Already scheduled days are not available for selection for new schedules.
Confirm schedule with OK button.
3.5.4 Filter
In this menu the remaining time until filter change and filter kit for replacement are displayed. Editing is
locked with a password, use administrator password. See Password Settings in Service menu for
more information.
Set the time until the next filter change (3–15 months). The default setting is 8 months.
A filter change notification is shown one month prior to filter change.
If a new filter period is selected and confirmed or filter alarm is acknowledged, the timer resets and starts counting from
the beginning.
To change filter kit type
1. Touch Select different filter kit button in the alarm menu.
Alternatively, go to Filter menu (3.3 Home screen overview, page 3, pos. E).
2. Select filter kit from the list.
3. Touch OK button.
To reset filter change timer for SAVE LIGHT
Push and hold
and buttons for 3 seconds to reset the filter timer (filter change LED will turn off).
3.5.5 System Preferences
Configuration of unit location, language and time.
Change the following information:
Language (default language is English)
Country (default country is UK)
Unit address (address, post code)
Unit date and time, activate or deactivate summer/winter time switch.
Time will automatically change between summertime and wintertime according to European standard, based on
Greenwich time zone and set unit location.
Switch between 12 and 24 hours time format.
Contact information: contractor, installer, service, phone, website, e-mail, etc.
Display settings: screen brightness and screen behavior in standby mode.
3.5.6 Service
All unit parameters and settings can be changed in the Service menu.
The Service menu is locked by default and it is necessary to enter a password (default
password is 1111).
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