Configuration |
15 Input
Configuration of inputs
Settings for analog, digital and universal input terminals on the main board and connection board, configuration of
Table 1 Digital universal inputs available for selection
User Modes Activation of specific user modes.
Central Vacuum Cleaner
Activation of Central vacuum cleaner function.
Cooker Hood Function Activation of Cooker Hood function.
External Stop Air handling unit is stopped by an external command.
Extra controller alarm Indication about an alarm in external controller. Used for Extra Heater/Cooler/
Change-over feedback Used with Change-over systems. Indicate if the temperature of heating/cooling fluid
in the system is right.
Fire alarm Air handling unit is stopped due to fire. Can be used with smoke alarms or similar.
Configurable Digital Input 1 Activation of custom airflows set by user.
Configurable Digital Input 2 Activation of custom airflows set by user.
Configurable Digital Input 3 Activation of custom airflows set by user.
Pressure guard Digital input from a pressure guard component
Relative humidity and rotation speed signals from fans are already pre-addressed to specific terminals and cannot be
changed, all other inputs are free for configuration by commissioning. Inputs are free to be used for any purpose.
Universal input (UI) configured as universal analog input (UAI) can be configured for several inputs because multiple
sensors of the same type can be used. Universal analog inputs (UAI) have only selections for RH Sensor (RH), CO
Sensor (CO), Supply Air Fan Control (SAFC) and Extract Air Fan Control (EAFC) wired configurations.
Analog input (AI) temperature sensors are not allowed to be configured more than once.
Same user modes can be configured on multiple digital inputs (for example multiple bathrooms can be connected to dif-
ferent digital inputs with Refresh mode configured for each.
Digital inputs can be configured to be normally open (Normally Open (NO)) or normally closed (Normally Closed
(NC)). Default setting is Normally Open (NO). Not available for wireless inputs.
A time delay for user modes activated via digital input can be switched off or enabled. Time delay indicates how long
the user mode remains active after its duration of operation has expired.
PDM (pulse density modulation) input for relative humidity (RH) sensor on the main board is pre-adressed and cannot
be changed.
Table 2 Overview of input configuration
Analog inputs Digital inputs Universal analog inputs Universal digital inputs
Input type
Input type
Input type
Analog type
Input type
Digital type
Value Output
Configuration of outputs.
Settings for analog, digital and universal output terminals on the main board and connection board, configuration of
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