25 Filters
The air filter captures dust, mold, pollen and other particulate matter.
The filters need to be replaced when polluted. New sets of filters can be acquired from your installer or wholesaler. Defrost damper
The built in bypass damper (pos. 5 figure 5) is involved in defrosting, cool recovery, and supply air temperature control
of the unit. The damper motor is controlled by an analogue 0–10 V signal.
A test sequence which opens and closes the damper will occur if there is heating demand and after every power up of
the unit. An actuator drive detects if the bypass is able to close completely. If a signal is not detected within two mi-
nutes after the function test has been initiated, then the warning Bypass Damper appears in the HMI. Heat exchanger
SAVE VTC 300 is equipped with a counter flow heat exchanger. Required supply air temperature is therefore normally
maintained without adding additional heat. Main circuit board
The main circuit board controls all functions and the unit.
It is possible to connect external accessories to a free terminals on the main circuit board. Temperature sensors
Three temperature sensors (NTC, 10 kΩ) are included in the unit from factory:
The sensors are wired to the main print card. See wiring diagram for more information. Humidity sensor
Relative humidity sensor (RHS/EAT) is positioned in the extract air chamber and connected to the main circuit board.
See wiring diagram for more information.
4.4 Electrical Connections
The SAVE VTC 300 is wired internally from factory. The electrical connection box can be found in the supply air fan com-
partment. The top cover plate is removed by removing 2 screws in the lower front edge of the cover plate (figure 6).
All external connections to possible accessories are made to terminals on the connection board (chapter 4.4.2).
Fig. 6 Opening the electrical connection box
4.4.1 Main circuit board layout
The SAVE VTC 300 is equipped with built-in regulation and internal wiring.
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