Installation , Operation and Maintenance Instructions Genius

15 Glossary
Setback operation Heat the rooms in setback operation during periods of absence or sleep. The periods can
be dened by using the time program for room heating. The rooms will be heated with
reduced room temperature during these periods.
Alarm An alarm informs that the system has reported an error to the controller.
Outdoor temperature compensated opera-
In the outdoor air compensated mode the setpoint room temperature is controlled
depending on the outdoor temperature. On the one hand heat is not more generated as
needed and on the other hand a high comfort can be ensured.
User level for the operator The user level includes all the features that can be changed by the operator.
Bivalence point The bivalence point (dimensioning point) is the performance limit of the heat pump
depending on the outdoor temperature. If the bivalence point is undergone, the elec-
tric heating rod is switched on for hot water generation and to meet the required heat
Legionella Legionella are aquatic bacteria that spread rapidly and can cause serious illness.
Legionella occur where heated water offers optimal conditions for propagation. Short-
term water heating above 60 °C will kill Legionella. The continuous exchange of water, as
provided by the combi unit, prevents legionella growth.
Airlter A component which extracts particulate material from the air. The supply air lter is a F7
pollen, secondary air and exhaust air lter of the class G4.
Reduced room temperature Set the reduced room temperature (setback) for periods of your absence or sleep.
Rotating heat exchanger Due to the rotation of the heat exchanger, supply and extract air ow through in one
revolution alternately by the cells. Thus transfers the heat regenerative cycle the heat of
extract air by rotation to the supply air. In summer, the principle works in reverse by the
cooler extract air precools the warmer supply air. Thus, energy is recovered for air condi-
tioning. And in addition, humidity recovery is taking place.
When no power transmission is required, the rotor stops.
Protection class The protection class indicates the suitability of electrical equipment for various environ-
mental conditions and in addition to protecting people against potential dangers in their
Service level for the expert technician The service level contains additional functions for the expert technician that may not be
changed without expert knowledge. This service level is reserved for the expert techni-
cian and therefore protected by a password.
Safety valve A safety device which must be installed in the water pipe by your certied heating com-
pany. The safety valve opens automatically so that the pressure in the hot water storage
tank will not increase too high.
Setpoint temperature Predetermined temperature to be achieved, e.g. room temperature setpoint.
Summer operation Operating program for Cooling and hot water for the warmer seasons, i.e. if the rooms
do not have to be heated.
Storage charge pump Circulation pump for heating of drinking water in the hot water storage tank.
Winter operation Operating program for Cooling and hot water for the cold season.
Time slot A time slot is a preset time period in which heating, cooling or hot water generation are
switched on.
Genius - V 1.0