Installation , Operation and Maintenance Instructions Genius

4.1.2 Controlled Residential Ventilation
A controlled residential ventilation with heat recovery is integrated in the unit. It provides a balanced, pleasant indoor climate year-round,
ensures constantly fresh air into the living rooms and transfers used air to the outside. At heat recovery, heat is transferred from the
extract air to the supply air, thus remaining in the building.
The rotating heat exchanger is used for heat recovery in the Combi Unit Genius:
Due to the rotation of the heat exchanger, supply and extract air ow through in one revolution alternately by the cells. Thus the heat
storage wheel transfers the heat of the extract air by rotation to the supply air. In summer, the principle works in reverse by the cooler
extract air precools the warmer supply air. A rotating heat exchanger recovers not only heat but also humidity. At low outdoor tempera-
tures, the condensation of the extract air is transferred to the supply air, so that it is humidied. In summer, the room humidity will be
transported from the interior to the exterior.
4.2 Operation in Combination with Room Air Independent Fireplaces (Furnace
This function must be activated and deactivated manually.
The steps correspond to the following powers of the secondary air fan:
Step 1 60%
Step 2 80%
Step 3 100%
The combi unit Genius can be used in combination with room air independent replaces. Since the combi unit ensures the complete
heating function, it must not be switched off. This is only possible with a room air independent version.
In a combined operation of a ventilation system with an air-ventilated replace it must be avoided that exhaust of the re place can get
in the room due to a formation of a negative pressure. This can be realized either through mutual operation (ventilation system switches
off when operating the replace) or by a pressure-controlled mode (ventilation system switches off when a predetermined negative
pressure is exceeded, which is monitored by a differential pressure device).
Since the combi unit also ensures the complete heating function any shutdown must be excluded.
A room air independent replace equally distributes the heat of the replace in the house by the secondary air operation of the system.
This represents a classic example for secondary air heating with a tiled stove.
The heat of the replace is distributed through the secondary and the following supply air duct system. Thus, the heat pump runs corre-
spondingly less. In the best of case not at all as long as the replace is in operation. The heat is selectively discharged by the step opera-
tion. An overheating of the living area can be additionally avoided.
If the heat pump receives an additional heating demand, the secondary air fan switches to controlled operation. The fan runs parallel to
the heat pump. After the heat pump is switched off, the fan returns to the set step of the furnace operation.
To avoid complications when combining controlled residential ventilation systems and replaces (rewood or pellets), it
is essential to agree with the district master chimney sweep.
For wood stoves, two types must be distinguished: room air dependent and room air independent. An room air inde-
pendent wood stove (declared by the manufacturer) is only accepted when having an approval. If not, the chimney
sweep must consider it as room air dependent. In this case the parameter Add. Frost Protection must be set to Off (see
„Rotor settings“ page 73).
If a safety device is required, the controller is precongured - see “Wiring Diagram”.
Genius - V 1.0
Description of the System