Installation , Operation and Maintenance Instructions Genius

This eld shows the actual temperature values of the different sensors.
Outdoor temperature 3.8 °C
Supply air temperature 37.0 °C
Extract air temperature 22.7 °C
Hot water temperature 44.9 °C
10.4.1 Unit
Status Rotor operation
Ventilation day-time operation normal
Ventilation setback operation normal
Actual ventilation stage normal
Actual room temperature 20.6 °C
Setpoint value temperature 20.6 °C Status Display
Off The unit is ready, no demand.
Rotor operation Passive heat and cooling recovery, but no active heat or cooling demand.
Holiday Mode see Time program
Setback operation The unit is in night setback mode.
Night cooling Passive cooling active, see Settings
Hot water generation Heat pump active, the unit generates hot water. If the unit is in heating or cooling
operation in parallel, this status remains in priority.
Legionella mode see Hot water
HP Defrost The heat pump (HP) in reverse operation, the heat pump heat exchanger will be
defrosted. Normal operation is temporarily interrupted.
The PTC elements are driven with low power during defrost to avoid drafts.
Rotor Defrost Fan speed automatically changes. Additional rotating heat exchanger protection. This
is done only for a certain period at extremely low outside temperatures.
Emergency operation The unit heats in emergency operation with PTCs. Hot water is generated by the inte-
grated electric heating rod. Both must be activated
(see „10.4.2 Hot Water“ page 53 and „10.4.3 PTC Reheating Elements“ page
Rotor alarm (see „8.1 Alarm Status“ page 31).
Heat pump alarm A heat pump error has been occurred. Emergency operation can be activated. (see
„8.1 Alarm Status“ page 31).
Switch-off point For extremely low external temperatures, the heat pump will switch off for a certain
period (see "Settings"). Setting the Ventilation Stage
Set Ventilation day-time operation and Ventilation setback operation.
Genius - V 1.0
Operation/Control via Internet/App