Installation , Operation and Maintenance Instructions Genius

10.4.2 Hot Water
Hot water
Setpoint 45 °C
Setpoint holiday 30 °C
Fast charge hot water No
Legionella mode No
Emergency operation HW No
Setpoint emergency operation 40 °C
Hot water settings
Setpoint RECOMMENDATION: Keep the default settings. This will ensure a high performance
coefcient of the heat pump. The hot water generation starts 1 °C below the setpoint
and stops 2 °C above (adjustable in the service level). When set to 52 °C, the elec-
tric heating rod is switched from 53 °C to reach the setpoint.
Adjustment range: 30 °C ... 55 °C
Default setting: 45 °C
Setpoint holiday RECOMMENDATION: Keep the default settings (see Setpoint)
Adjustment range: 30 °C ... 40 °C
Default setting: 30 °C
Fast charge hot water This function ensures hot water comfort in special situations, e.g. for two bath tub
llings in quick succession. After activating this function, the electric heating rod is
switched on in parallel with the heat pump.
To avoid operating errors, the function is only available during hot water demand. It
automatically turns off after hot water generation.
Settings: Yes / No
Default setting: No
Legionella mode If the legionella mode is activated, the drinking water is once heated to 60 °C in the
night of Sunday to Monday (once a week).
Settings: Yes / No
Default setting: No
Emergency operation HW In case of failure of the heat pump, the user can generate hot water with the electric
heating rod. The function can only be activated manually and during heat pump alarm
to avoid operating errors. Once the fault is removed, the function will be reset.
Settings: Yes / No
Default setting: No
Setpoint emergency operation During the fault, as little electrical power as possible will be consumed at 40 °C .
However, comfort remains active.
Adjustment range: 30 °C ... 50 °C
Default setting: 40 °C
10.4.3 PTC Reheating Elements
PTC function Off
Emergency operation No
Setpoint emergency operation 18 °C
PTC function In the default setting, the PTC function is deactivated.
Settings: On / Off
Default setting: Off
Neither an individual room temperature control nor reheating after the PTC start delay time is possible after switching
off the PTC function, see service, settings.
During cooling circuit defrost, the elements will also be activated when switched off.
Genius - V 1.0
Operation/Control via Internet/App